Debbie Shadid, Business Growth Strategist for Female Life Coaches

Discover How to Get Coaching Clients

You want coaching clients. Nothing you’ve tried has worked.

Be a Life Coach who is also a Profitable Entrepreneur

Feel Comfortable and Confident Talking About Your Coaching on Social Media

Learn How to Use the Tech Needed for a Profitable Business

Discover How to Get Clients

Trying to get paid clients has been challenging, to say the least.

You’ve wasted so much time searching YouTube for a quick fix to end the painful reality that you don’t have enough clients and still have no clue how to get them.

Everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked. You spent so much time writing the perfect post and getting the graphic done in Canva that you finally figured out how to get them on Instagram, and then you got zero comments.

Being on camera is your worst nightmare. You’re worried about being judged, and social media is intimidating.

You feel like you’ve been misled.

Yet, you desperately want to succeed.

Here’s the shocking reality:

81% of coaches never make it past year 3.

- Simon Reynolds, Author, Why People Fail

Can I be honest?

The truth is, you have been misled and I'm here to set the record straight. I'm here to support women who are ready to get their business profitable.

  • You’ve told people you’re a great life coach, yet no one is hiring you.
  • Big-name marketers sold you on the idea that a high-ticket offer is what everyone needs as if the clients will magically appear.
  • You’re working ridiculous hours to build a business that’s not producing any income.
  • What those big-name marketers have told you is only a part of the story. There’s so much more to building a coaching business than what they are selling you in their “one-part” program. The Instragam course you bought was not the answer, Facebook ads are not the answer, and neither is a VA.

It's no wonder coaches are failing.

You need to know the full process for how to get clients so you can become a profitable entrepreneur.

I bet you are an excellent coach who has probably already been helping people for years!

Deep down, you know this is what you are meant to do.

You don't have to be clientless anymore.

Imagine finally having a coaching business that you are so proud of.

Having a profitable coaching business is within reach!

We help women do this week after week, and we've been doing it for years.

You have the same opportunity to make this happen!

The Coach to Profitable Entrepreneur Framework

is the entire process of building and growing your boutique-style coaching business that supports your boutique-style life.

In just 4 weeks, you can go from being just a Life Coach to a coach who is also a Profitable Entrepreneur.

No more guessing or Googleing.

  • We’ll give you everything you need and so many things you don’t even know you need.
  • You’ll finally confidently commit to a niche.
  • You’ll discover how to build a professional, authentic brand that will position you as the go-to expert and distinguish you from your competitors.
  • You’ll discover how to write a money-making marketing message and find out what a client-converting website needs.
  • You’ll learn how to use social media, the tech needed for your business, how to grow your email list from the beginning (since your current list is nearly zero), how to sell, and how to be a coach with lots of clients.

The Life Coach Business Building School

is a one-stop shop for everything needed to become a profitable entrepreneur. You'll never have to get any other training.

  • You’ll use our email templates to tell people about your coaching business.
  • You’ll use our customizable professional Canva graphics for social media or to create a coaching brochure for your email signature, coaching presentations, worksheets, and more.
  • You’ll design your signature coaching method to build your reputation, and you’ll know how to price for profit.
  • We’ll teach you how to sell without feeling salesy.
  • We’ll teach you how to network more effectively, host workshops, plan for speaking engagements, and even launch your first group program.

This might sound too good to be true, but it’s not.

Hundreds of women have used this process.

To attract clients, you first need to be seen as a professional and be able to communicate the immense value of your coaching.

Are you ready for a tested and proven solution?

Use our easy to implement framework designed specifically for female coaches.

You can be the profitable entrepreneur you expected you would be!

You can do this! We have complete faith in our process.

We’re so sure about how our process works that we want to showcase your success on our podcast, website, social media, and that of another action-taking business-building achiever.

Get to work, show us what you’ve done, and we’ll show you off!


The Life Coach Business Building School


FAIR WARNING: This framework is for go-getters who are ready to get their coaching business built!

The Life Coach Business Building School is for powerhouse female coaches who are serious about making a big impact.

Before I share all the goodness waiting for you inside of the Life Coach Business Building School (like all of the marketing material that you can literally copy and use as your own)....

You probably want to know WHY THIS IS DIFFERENT from all those other fluffy generic workshops, masterclasses, and “fluff-i-nars” out there promising you 6-figure months right out of the gate, right?

You don't have to be good at tech or social media.

We won't tell you spend money on ads...

Because the truth is that there are many ways to gain more paid clients. Our goal is to help you find the marketing that is easiest for you to do. All of the different types of free marketing we teach can work when you know how to communicate effectively and have a professional brand presence.

You've already tried things that haven't worked because you didn't really know if you were doing it right.


The fact that you're here means you're likely being held back by

one of these Business Stopping questions:

Is your Niche right?

Where will I find my niche client? Will my niche have money to spend coaching?

What tech do I need?

You're clueless when it comes to using the tech you need to build your coaching business.

How do I find clients?

You can't find anyone who seems to be interesetd in learning about your coaching.

If you choose to take the fast track to learn how to have a professional and profitable coaching business and beat the UGLY STATISTICS then the time to GET MOVING is now.

The Life Coach Business Building School

Attract clients in just 4 weeks without knowing anything about tech, even if you hate social media. Use our Framework to go from being just a Life Coach to a coach who is also a profitable entrepreneur.

It's time to say YES.

Stop waiting.

Let's build your boutique-style coaching business!


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